Meet Pee Dee Chiropractic Chiropractor | Dr. Richard Heavner

Pee Dee Chiropractic Chiropractor, Dr. Richard Heavner
Simply put, I was a skeptic. Having grown up in the medical model of healthcare, I saw no reason to visit the chiropractor. I was firmly entrenched in the “if it doesn’t hurt, there is nothing wrong” and the “there is a pill for everything” philosophy.
The Road to a Career in Chiropractic…
After my undergraduate work and serving in the US Navy, I was tending bar in Columbia, SC when one night, it dawned on me that I was going nowhere fast. I wanted out of the night life and into a career that would make me proud. I considered medicine but by now, I just could not wrap my mind around prescription medication fixing EVERYTHING. It seemed to me that for every condition the medical model dictated a specific class of drug. Even after a lifetime in the medical model, I thought, there had to be another way. Headaches just could not be caused by a lack of Tylenol! Soon after deciding against a career in medicine, I heard from a high school friend who was in chiropractic school. After several conversations with him, and a lot of prayerful consideration I decided that I wanted to be a chiropractic physician.
Chiropractic Education
Now that I was confident in my choice of profession, I had to decide where I wanted to attend chiropractic school. After researching schools, I found out that the “Harvard” of chiropractic schools was Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport, IA. I thought, if I was going to chiropractic school, why not attend the best one! Anyway, after the application process, I began the five academic year program, graduating in 1997. Interestingly, the first two years of chiropractic school are almost identical to the first two years of medical school, at least academically.
Away from Pee Dee Chiropractic
Dr. Heavner is married to Kelly and they have been blessed with one son, Garrett. Kelly is the office manager at The Kings Academy. In their free time Dr. H and his wife enjoy watching Garrett perform on the soccer field. They also are avid South Carolina Gamecock fans.
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